Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Just What the Doctor Ordered

I've been sick with a cold this week, so I'm spending my days napping, drinking tea, and watching movies. A Day at the Races is in heavy rotation. A friend gave it to me for Christmas and it never fails to make me laugh.

"You must forgive him. He doesn't spell very well." It kills me every time.


rkbsnana said...

Well, I think that is a very appropriate film to watch when one is ill...laughter is the best medicine. Sorry you're sick. You are in the same boat with a bunch of people. Everyone I know is sick or someone in their family is. Feel better soon.

Maria said...

Thanks! Lots of people around here are sick too. I think I'm turning the corner today, actually. :)

Meghan @ Wishful Thinking said...

Oh bummer! Hope you feel better soon! Watching a classic movie like this certainly beats daytime television!