Sunday, July 18, 2010


You know how the people on The Golden Girls lived right next door to the people on Empty Nest and they would visit back and forth on each other's shows? How Dorothy consulted with Dr. Weston about a health issue and Barbara saved the Girls from a bad guy? Well, it was kind of like that in the blogosphere today (except for the bad guy part) when I met Nicole from Fidget Finds at her trunk show at Tiverton Four Corners.

In person, Nicole is just like she is on her blog - lovely, bubbly, charming, and friendly. It was so nice to meet her and get to chat for a few minutes!

She had lots of great stuff just like she has in her Etsy shop, but I was hoping to find a ring I'd been coveting since she posted it on her blog:

Lo and behold, there it was! I was not going to let this pass me by twice, so it was on my hand and I was giving Nicole my credit card in no time. When I got home, I put it on top of - instead of in - my jewelry box. Looking at it makes me happy.